To save the world, one act at a time, I decided to walk to church like I used to. I should have put more thought into my shoes...my blisters cover my entire heel, its creepy. I walked bare foot 3/4 of the way and couldn't walk at all while at church, thus trumping the cute shoes. I got a ride home with a nice neighbor.
Now my eyes are swollen shut due to the worst allergies I've ever had. Usually they don't kick in until mid-late August, but lucky me they came a month early. I'm trying not to rub my eyes because that is bad. But the more I think about NOT rubbing my eyes the harder it is not too. Its like the tinted windows in my car (see previous entry) I feel like rolling it down the whole time I'm in my vehicle.
What do you see when you rub YOUR eyes? I see black and red checks in all sizes spiral in nature in several areas meeting along the center bright white lightning bolt. I bet you've never thought about what you see when your eyes are closed. I try to think how I would portray my eyes being closed, as if I were filming it...thus the checker board spirals.
Are you kidding I love rubbing my eyes and seeing all the fun colors and shapes. Especially after I just wake up or if you're lying out in the grass watching the clouds. That's the best because I can see if the shapes in my closed/rubbed eyes match the clouds.
yeah, steph, you have a blog!!!! I think it's hilarious, because when I initially set mine up, I used your exact background. See living together, made some-what think alike! :]
How have you been doing? My blog(which I am new to) is baileystevenson.blogspot.com
When are we going to be hanging out again?
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