Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cancer Free Christmas

Yesterday I had my semi-annual cancer check up.  I am cancer free again!  Yippy!  My next appointment isn't until next September - HOORAY!  I will be taken off Tamoxifin at that time and considered as free and clear as I can be for a Breast Cancer Survivor (the 5 year mark is magical or so they say).
I'm usually pretty good at not flinching, but when my doctor checks the lymphnodes in my armpit I giggle uncontrollably.  I feel like a 3 yr. old, but I can't even help it.  It happens EVERY check up and he always says, "does that tickle?"  duh... maybe he's wondering if breast checks make me uncomfortable and therefore I giggle, but after 4 years I think I'm pretty open about it all.

I am planning a trip to Switzerland for Christmas.  I thought I'd go from Dec.22 - 27 (anyone want to come with me?!).    When is the family party?  


Sandra said...

Congrats again Steph, that is wonderful news!! So this Tamoxifin, is this the medicine that affects your arm?
Going to have Christmas with the folks?I am so jealous and would LOVE to go to Switzerland for Christmas but alas, I think I'll be spending Christmas in boring old Utah. I love Utah, but comparing to Europe/Switzerland... come on...)

Claudia said...

Merry Christmas! What an awesome gift.

Sarah said...

Congrats Steph! I'm very happy for you that's wonderful news! Wish I could come to Switzerland with you but I don't think Todd would be happy if I skipped town for Christmas. :> But have fun and take lots of pictures to post on your blog so we can be all jealous!

steph doyle said...

Fat arm will always be fat arm, no medication will help it :) The meds are hormone suppressants because my cancer fed on estrogen we got rid of it for awhile - lucky me.

For some reason everyone wants to be with their family for the holidays... go figure.